[Tutor] improve the code

lina lina.lastname at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 16:49:43 CET 2011

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:56 PM, Dave Angel <d at davea.name> wrote:
> On 11/01/2011 11:11 AM, lina wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 10:33 PM, Dave Angel<d at davea.name>  wrote:
>>> On 11/01/2011 10:11 AM, lina wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The following code (luckily) partial achieved what I wanted, but I
>>>> still have few questions:
>>>> #!/usr/bin/python3
>>>> import os.path
>>>> INFILEEXT=".txt"
>>>> OUTFILEEXT=".new"
>>>> DICTIONARYFILE="dictionary.pdb"
>>>> orig_dictionary={}
>>>> new_dictionary={}
>>>> abetaABresidues={}
>>>> def processonefiledata(infilename):
>>>>     with open(infilename,"r") as f:
>>>>         for line in f:
>>>>             parts=line.strip().split()
>>>>             orig_dictionary[parts[0]]=parts[1]
>>>> def build_abetadictionary(infilename,olddict):
>>>>     with open(infilename,"r") as f:
>>>>         for line in f:
>>>>             parts=line.strip().split()
>>>>             if parts[0] != "85CUR" and (parts[0] not in
>>>> abetaABresidues.keys()):
>>>>                 abetaABresidues[parts[0]]=0
>>>>         for residues, numbers in abetaABresidues.items():
>>>>             if residues in olddict.keys():
>>>>                 new_dictionary[residues]=olddict[residues]
>>>>             else:
>>>>                 new_dictionary[residues]=0
>>>>         with open(base+OUTFILEEXT,"w") as f:
>>>>             for residues, numbers in new_dictionary.items():
>>>>                 print(residues,numbers,file=f)
>>>> ## Q1: How can I sort the results, like the effect of | sort -g
>>>> from something like:
>>>> 84ALA 12
>>>> :
>>>> :
>>>> 83ILE 28
>>>> :
>>>> :
>>>> to
>>>> :
>>>> 83ILE 28
>>>> 84ALA 12
>>>> :
>>> Just use the sort() method of the list object.  In particular, items()
>>> returns an unordered list, so it's ready to be sorted.
>>>            for residues, numbers in new_dictionary.items().sort():
>>> That will sort such that residues are in sorted order.
>> Thanks, but still something went wrong here,
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "fill-gap.py", line 41, in<module>
>>     build_abetadictionary(DICTIONARYFILE,orig_dictionary)
>>   File "fill-gap.py", line 31, in build_abetadictionary
>>     for residues, numbers in new_dictionary.items().sort():
>> AttributeError: 'dict_items' object has no attribute 'sort'
> Peter fixed that one.  Actually my code wasn't even right in Python 2.x, as
> the sort() method sorts in place, and doesn't return a value.  His code will
> work in both 2.x and 3.x, and is thus a much better answer.  I frequently
> confuse the sort method and the sorted function, and judging from this list,
> so do many others.  I'm pretty good at spotting that error if someone else
> makes it ;-)
>> I have another concerns,
>> is it possible to append the output file content as a sing one,
>> such as a.new is
>> A 1
>> B 3
>> b.new is
>> A 3
>> B 5
>> I wish the final one like:
>> A 1 3
>> B 3 5
>> I will think about it. Thanks,
> No idea how you came up with a.new or b.new.  Or even what they contain.
>  When you say a.new is "> A 1\n> B 3\n"  I've got to guess you're
> misrepresenting it.
> But if you have two dictionaries that use EXACTLY the same keys, and you
> want to print out approximately that way, consider [untested]
> def  printme(dict1, dict2):
>    for key in sorted(dict1.keys()):
>         print(key, dict1[key], dict2[key])
> But notice that it won't print any value which has a key in dict2, but not
> in dict1.  And it'll get an exception if there's a key in dict1 which is not
> in dict2.

Thanks, they shared the same keys. ^_^
> So what's your real problem?  There are better ways to accomodate multiple
> sets of related data, and my answer doesn't help if there are 3, or 4, or 42
> dictionaries.
> By the way, it's usually better to separate outputting the data from
> inputting.  Factoring code into separate functions makes the code more
> flexible when requirements change.
> --
> DaveA

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