[Tutor] regexp

Dinara Vakhitova di.marvellous at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 14:50:34 CET 2011

Steven, Walter, Dave, Peter and Albert,

First of all, thank you very much for your suggestions, I appreciate a lot
your help. I would only like to mention that I would have never asked
something to be done for me just because it's my homework, I posted this
question only because I couldn't find a solution myself and I was dying
from curiosity how to do it. For me it makes no difference if it was
homework or not, because it's practice first of all, I'm not studying for
marks, that's why I was surprised to know that I should have specified it.

So, yesterday I was so upset that I couldn't make it work that I went to
bed and gave it up for a while :) But then I came up with the solution
similar to that proposed by Walter and Peter, i.e. list all the letters in
alphabetical order marked by "*":

[a*b*c*d*...x*y*z*] - with the only difference that I don't need to mark
the beginning and the end of the line, because I first tokenized my text
and I work with a single word (and it's supposed that the word is
well-formed, without punctuation marks attached to it or empty strings or

But naturally, this solution doesn't seem to be very elegant one (however,
it might be exactly that solution that our teacher supposed us to find)
I think, that I leave it like this till I find something more elegant if
it's possible at all.

I would know if or how it could be done with regexes, but isn't the
> following simple code a solution? It requires that the text be split up
> into separate words. Or am I overlooking something?
> >>word = 'ym'
> >>> [letter for n, letter in enumerate(word) if letter > word[n-1]] ==
> list(word[1:])
> False
> >>word = 'almost'
> >>> [letter for n, letter in enumerate(word) if letter > word[n-1]] ==
> list(word[1:])
>  True

Albert, concerning your question - yes, the text is tokenized to separate
words.  Thank you for your suggestion! I'm trying to understand how it
works now :)

Kind Regards,

2011/11/5 Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at yahoo.com>

> Hi,
> I would know if or how it could be done with regexes, but isn't the
> following simple code a solution? It requires that the text be split up
> into separate words. Or am I overlooking something?
> >>word = 'ym'
> >>> [letter for n, letter in enumerate(word) if letter > word[n-1]] ==
> list(word[1:])
> False
> >>word = 'almost'
> >>> [letter for n, letter in enumerate(word) if letter > word[n-1]] ==
> list(word[1:])
>  True
> Cheers!!
> Albert-Jan
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