[Tutor] Question about GUI applications.

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 8 09:39:43 CET 2011

On 08/11/11 04:30, Nathaniel Trujillo wrote:
> I just wrote the following GUI application. How do I get rid of the 7k
> in the upper left hand corner and how to I put other stuff there like
> say a picture of someone. Thanks for the help.

If you are using Windows I don't think you can, due to a bug in the 
underlying Tk libraries. If you are using Linux/MacOS then there is a 
function to replace the control icon.

I can't recall what it is, but its similar to the one used for setting 
the title text on the Window, one of the wm_xxxxx calls.

But you might get a better response asking on the Tkinter mailing list...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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