[Tutor] run excel macro from python

Pirritano, Matthew MPirritano at ochca.com
Tue Nov 15 17:07:55 CET 2011



I am running an excel macro from python with the following code:


The problem I'm having is that when I try to run this function I get a
dialog window that pops up titled: "Update Values: Personal.xls" When I
try to cancel out of it I get directed to a type mismatch in the excel


The program is very long so I won't paste the whole thing here, just the
call to the excel macro. What seems key is that the macro runs fine in
excel. And I've run excel macros from python before. The only difference
is that now the macro also calls some excel user defined functions.
Since they live in Personal.xls I'm thinking that is the wrinkle here.
All of my searching has led me nowhere. Has no one ever had this issue?


You'll note the excessive closing language in the function. I thought
that maybe what was happening is that more than one instance of excel
was open and that was causing a problem with accessing personal.xls, as
will happen if you try to manually open more than one instance of excel
in windows.


def runExcelMacro():

    excel = win32.Dispatch("Excel.Application")

    excel.Visible = 0

    fTest =

    macName = "macroAllFiles"

    macName = fTest.Name + '!' + macName

    print macName


    excel.DisplayAlerts = 0



    del excel


Any ideas!?





Matthew Pirritano, Ph.D.

Research Analyst IV

Medical Services Initiative (MSI)

Orange County Health Care Agency

(714) 568-5648


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