[Tutor] Thank you!

Cranky Frankie cranky.frankie at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 14:50:32 CET 2011

Thank you to all for your help on my SQL DDL parsing script, and thank
you Alan for having this wonderful list. I got the program to work and
verified the DDL is being parsed correctly.

I've been working as a database administrator for many years, but
before that I programmed on the mainframe. I'm used to COBOL, SQL,
DB2, and latley XML. I've done some Unix scripting and VB script,
taught myself some basic C and C++, with some odd Visual Basic along
the way, but Python is enitirely new to me. That's why I got thrown
off with the output not lining up in Notepad - I've never written
anything before that could be displayed in a mode that used
proportional fonts.

The things I like about Python:
- the forced indentation makes for really readable code
- it's free!
- it can be used on any platform
- it can be used for scripting or for builing a stand alone program
- it can work in any programming style (O-O, sturctured, etc.)

I'm going to be doing a presentation on Python programming for
database administrators. This script will help a lot to explain some
of the basic concepts.

Thanks again very much for your help.

Python rocks!

Frank L. "Cranky Frankie" Palmeri
Risible Riding Raconteur & Writer
“How you do anything is how you do everything.”
- from Alabama Crimson Tide training room

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