[Tutor] modulus

Wayne Werner waynejwerner at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 16:59:50 CET 2011

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:46 AM, ADRIAN KELLY <kellyadrian at hotmail.com>wrote:

>  Please can anyone tell me how i can print this without all the brackets
> and commas, i know i need the modulus symbol but i dont know how it works.
> any advice would be appreciated
> regards
> adrian
> def arguments():
>     name=raw_input ("Please enter your firstname: ")
>     surname=raw_input ("Enter your surname: ")
>     address1=raw_input ("Enter Address line 1: ")
>     address2=raw_input ("Enter Address line 2: ")
>     address3=raw_input ("Enter Address line 3: ")
>     return name,surname,address1,address2,address3
> address=arguments()
> print "%s %s" % address

In this case it's not actually modulus, it's just the syntax for string
formatting. I'm not sure *what* the reasoning behind the % was, but that's
the way it is.

There are two ways to do string formatting, the new (.format) and old (%).

In new style formatting you use the .format method of the string:

"{0} {1} {2}".format("One", 2, "Five")

You don't usually have to worry about the type, though you can specify it
along with some other useful modifiers for precision, spacing, and

In old style formatting, you use a string with format specifiers (%s, %d,
etc.) followed by a tuple of arguments. Here, the lengths have to match
exactly - if you have one specifier then you must have a 1-element tuple.
In your case, you're returning a 5 element tuple, so you want 5 format

print "%s %s %s %s %s" % address

However, if you just want to print the data out like that you can do it a
little easier like this:

print ' '.join(address)

Or if you are in 3.x or use `from __future__ import print_function` then
you can do this:


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