[Tutor] Runtime error while Test data creation

Guess?!? wtfwhoami at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 23:32:20 CEST 2011

Hey Bob,

Thanks for the suggestions. There is no traceback/stacktrace errors that I
can see (may be there is a file that is generated in python or windows
directory due to run time failure but I am not able to locate it. Please let
me know if you know).

The run time error pops up in a windows dialog box with a text I wrote below
in my first email and closing the dialog box closes the IDLE GUI python.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 1:35 PM, bob gailer <bgailer at gmail.com> wrote:

>  On 10/7/2011 2:19 PM, Guess?!? wrote:
> Hello all,
>  I am trying to create some test data for a search module that I am
> building. Since I dont want to hit performance related issues late in the
> game, I decided to create half a million records in the DB.
>  My approach is create a csv file with valid UUIDs which I already
> have. Read each record from csv and generate random data and do DB insert as
> long the csv file has records in them. This crashes near 100000 record
> insertions.
>  The problem is that my program eventually fails with this error. Any
> ideas what I can improve to make it go all the way?
>  Runtime Error!
> Program: C:\Python27\pythonw.exe
> This app has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual
> way. Please contact application support team
> Please just post ordinary text. No colors, no fancy formatting.
> Please always post the entire traceback so we tell where the code failed.
>  Here is the code that I wrote to do this.
>  =======================================================================
>  import pyodbc, random, datetime, uuid
>  #INT
> conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL
> Server};SERVER=SERVERNAME\INT_FOUNDATIONS;DATABASE=membership_service;UID=int_usr;PWD=blah')
>  c = conn.cursor()
>  # "enterprise_person_id" TEXT NOT NULL,
>  # read file
> f = open('C:\\Users\\garora\\Desktop\\INTPPLHALFMIL.csv','r')
>  # Hardcoded valid seed values
>  # INT
> programId = 50801
> packageId = 46101
> pkg_optionId = 40301
>  seed_data = "TEST_DATA"
>  numberPrePend = "AAAA-"
>  create_dt = datetime.datetime.now();
> modified_dt = datetime.datetime.now();
>  i = 0
>  for each in f:
>  if (i == 0):
>  i = i + 1
>  continue;
>   (id, entrpid,) = each.split(',')
>  print id
>  id = id.replace('\n', '')
>  print id
>  id = uuid.UUID(id)
>    #enterprise_person_id
>  print entrpid
>  entrpid = entrpid.replace('\n', '')
>  print entrpid
>  entrpid = uuid.UUID(entrpid)
>    #random values for few columns
>  statusRandom = random.randint(1,4)
>  sourceRandom = random.randint(1,7)
>  inputChannelRandom = random.randint(1,5)
>  marketRandom= random.randint(1,10)
>  trialRandom = random.randint(0,1)
>  monthRandom = random.randint(3,12) # prevent month of feb
>  dateRandom = random.randint(1,30) # prevent 31st on invalid month
>  yearRandom = random.randint(2007,2010)
>  member_start_dt = datetime.datetime(yearRandom, monthRandom,
> dateRandom,0,0,0)
>  current_term_start_dt = datetime.datetime(yearRandom, monthRandom,
> dateRandom,0,0,0)
>  print "id: " + str(i)
>  print " programId: " + str(programId)
>  print " packageId: " + str(packageId)
>  print " pkgoptionId: " + str(pkg_optionId)
>  print " status id: " + str(statusRandom)
>  print " source id: " + str(sourceRandom)
>  print " input channel id: " + str(inputChannelRandom)
>  print " market id: " + str(marketRandom)
>  print " person id: " + str(id)
>  print "membership id: " + numberPrePend + str(i)
>  print " member_start_dt " + str(member_start_dt)
>  print " current_term_start_dt " + str(current_term_start_dt)
>  print " started_as_trial " + str(trialRandom)
>  print " enterprise_person_id " + str(entrpid)
>  record = (i, programId, packageId, pkg_optionId, statusRandom,
> sourceRandom, inputChannelRandom,
>  marketRandom, str(id), numberPrePend + str(i), member_start_dt,
> current_term_start_dt, trialRandom
>  ,seed_data, seed_data, create_dt, modified_dt, str(entrpid))
>   print record
>   c.execute("""insert into Members(id, membership_program_id,
> membership_package_id,
>  membership_pkg_option_id, membership_status_id, membership_source_id,
> src_input_channel_id,
>  src_market_id, person_id_ref, membership_id, member_start_dt,
> current_term_start_dt, started_as_trial,
>  created_by,  modified_by, create_dt, modified_dt, enterprise_person_id)
>  values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""", record)
>  conn.commit()
>  i = i + 1
>  c.close()
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
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> --
> Bob Gailer919-636-4239
> Chapel Hill NC
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