[Tutor] Crazy craps problem
Andreas Perstinger
andreas.perstinger at gmx.net
Sun Oct 9 08:55:39 CEST 2011
On 2011-10-09 08:25, col speed wrote:
> Thanks for your prompt reply! Here's the whole thing:
> import random
> message = """Welcome to craps!!!! Place your bet
> and roll the dice.
> 7 or 11 wins.
> 2, 3 or 12 loses.
> Others are "point"."""
> player = "Your"
> dice = range(1, 7)
> stake = 100
> bet = 5
> winmsg = "You have won!You have ${0} left.".format(stake)
> losemsg = "You have lost! You have ${0} left.".format(stake)
> players = ["Your", "My"]
> def win(num):
> if num in [7,11]:
> return "win"
> elif num in [2,3,12]:
> return "lose"
> else:
> return "point"
> def changePlayer(player):
> if player == "Your":
> return "My"
> else:
> return "Your"
> def point(num):
> while True:
> raw_input("Roll")
> uno, dos = random.choice(dice), random.choice(dice)
> three = uno+dos
> print "{0} + {1} = {2}".format(uno, dos, three)
> print "Point is {0}. You scored {1}.".format(num, three)
> if three == num:
> return "win"
> if three == 7:
> return "lose"
> else:
> print "Try again."
> print message
> while stake:
> print "{0} throw! You have ${1}. How much do you bet?".format(player,
> stake)
> bet = int(raw_input("$"))
> stake -= bet
> one, two = random.choice(dice), random.choice(dice)
> print "{0} + {1} = {2}".format(one, two, one+two)
> if win(one+two) == "win":
> stake += bet*2
> print winmsg
> elif win(one+two) == "lose":
> print losemsg
> else:
> if point(one+two) == "win":
Here you go into the function "point" the first time. Inside the
function you are in an infinite while-loop where you only exit if the
sum is either 7 ("lose") or equal the given parameter ("win"). Then you
compare the return value. In the case of "lose" you continue to the next
> stake += bet*2
> print winmsg
> elif point(one+two) == "lose":
Now you go into the function "point" a *second* time, in other words you
have to throw another 7 to leave the function with the return value
"lose". But just now you will print out the message for loosing the game:
> print losemsg
> player = changePlayer(player)
What you probably want is to go into "point" only once, save the result
value and check if it's "win" or "lose".
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