[Tutor] Windows vs Linux processing speed.

Japhy Bartlett japhy at pearachute.com
Sat Oct 15 08:23:44 CEST 2011

In this situation, the network connection is almost certainly the
bottleneck;  maybe CPU speed, if they are drastically different, but
it seems like you're running relatively comparable hardware.  RAM is
almost never a *speed* bottleneck, until you start working with
datasets larger than you can hold in memory and start dealing with
disk i/o.

If it's not that, I think that Steven is probably on the right track.

- Japhy

On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:24 PM, Tony Pelletier
<tony.pelletier at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks everyone.
> Well, I've added a timer to the code and I'm running it from my house.  I'm
> getting the same times here from both laptops which I didn't expect at all.
>  I guess I'll have to take my linux laptop to work and see what my tests
> produce there.
> And as an FYI, my windows laptop is actually much more capable than my linux
> laptop.
> Linux is an IBM Thinkpad T61
> Windows is an Alienware M11x R2( i7 with 4gb of ram)
> Thanks again.
> Tony
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>
> wrote:
>> Tony Pelletier wrote:
>>> So, my question is.  Why is it running so much faster on linux?  Is it
>>> the
>>> way that linux is handling the socket?  Does windows open and close it
>>> whereas linux might leave it open and just pump data through?
>> Perhaps; you'll have to read the source code to see if there are
>> differences in geopy, or in the code that it relies on. But I suspect you
>> *might* be seeing this bug:
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/python-dev@python.org/msg40692.html
>> It's a long thread, but the summary is: reading data over the Internet on
>> Windows using some versions of Python is *sometimes* EXTREMELY slow compared
>> to Linux or third party tools. This is due to a bug in the httplib module,
>> which used a naive way of concatenating many little strings. Most of the
>> time, Python has an optimization that can disguise how slow this is, but
>> occasionally the optimization can fail.
>> --
>> Steven
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