[Tutor] Method to create small and simple database

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Sat Oct 29 19:29:59 CEST 2011

Joel Montes de Oca wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> About me:
> This is the first time I post to Tutor at Python.org.
> I am brand spanking new to Python. I can create simple application, gone
> through a few tutorials and watched the Google Python 2 day class on
> Youtube. (List of classes: http://goo.gl/Ud5rg)
> Just yesterday I figured out how to load up a GUI made in Glade and pass
> singles around and what not. Huge accomplishment for me since
> documentation is a bit shaky for noobs like me. :)
> I have some programming knowledge. I learned (self tough) VB when I was
> in middle school and then did a intro to C++ in college. Of course
> mentioning that is trivial since I haven't done any programming for
> about 5 years or so.. But I do know basic concepts. Just need a little
> push in the right direction..
> --------------------------------------
> I think I know how to design my application but I would like to put it
> on here for you guys to review and provide me with feedback/suggestions
> as to the best way to go about it.
> --------------------------------------
> The application:
> I want to build a simple application that keeps track of items borrowers
> check out. So the end user types in the names of /borrowers/ and also
> types in a list of /items/. Then the end user checks out the /items/ to
> the /borrowers/.
> The category that my application would fall under is close to
> /collection management tools/. Here's a list of a few other applications
> that do something like what I am aiming for:
> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/4-open-source-collection-manager-apps/
> In addition to the application keeping track of who has what, I would
> like to code the date the items are out, which borrowers have not
> borrowed anything in the last month, and so on. That said, I need to
> setup some kind of database like file. I don't want to have a database
> server though.
> The reason I want to build a new tool is because:
>     A) I want to play around with Python
>     B) My friend needs the application to be simple and geared to his
>     needs without too many extra bells & whistles
> --------------------------------------
> My method:
> I was thinking of using the lxmal module to construct a XML file to
> read/write all the information.
> I figured this was the easiest way to do what I need since the
> information is setup as a tree. (Easy to think about and see) Example:
> <app>
> <borrowers>
> <user>John Doe</user>
> <checked out> Item1:Item2:||2011/4/2</checked out>
> <user>Mary Doe</user>
> <checked out> Item3||2011/7/22</checked out>
> </borrowers>
> <objects>
> <item>Item1</item>
> <createdOn>2011/2/1</createdOn>
> <checked_out_times>32</checked_out_times>
> <item>Item2</item>
> <createdOn>2011/2/1</createdOn>
> <checked_out_times>22</checked_out_times>
> <item>Item3</item>
> <createdOn>2011/2/1</createdOn>
> <checked_out_times>1</checked_out_times>
> </objects>
> </app>
> The application will not be used in an enterprise kind of environment.
> The application is meant to hold about 80 borrowers and about 100 items
> and that's about it.
> Is this a good way to go about my project? Is there a better & easier way?
> I don't want to trade off "better" with "easy". Someone once suggested
> on Freenode #Python that I should use a sql database. I don't remember
> the name of it. It was something like lightsql or something like that.
> That particular database didn't use a server end. I guess it spit out a
> txt database or something... This might be a good time to mention I know
> very little about database construction or sql commands.
> Anyhow, I am looking forward to hearing opinion's and suggestions.

Well, using sqlite


may be both better and easier than lxml, but for the tiny amount of data you 
are planning to handle you can also make do with a few of Python's lists and 
dicts, and use pickle


to save the data when you're done. It won't get easier than that.

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