[Tutor] Python Editor to Start Out WithTutor Digest, Vol 92, Issue 123

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Oct 31 10:20:00 CET 2011

On 31/10/11 04:40, cyclicflux at yahoo.com wrote:
> With reference to a beginning editor,

I agree with most of this but...

> ... scripting in vim has many similarities to various types
 > in python. The python forloop is definitely very similar

Thats probably because you have a vim that has been compiled with Python 
scripting built in. There are various scripting options
for vim and the original scripting language was not like Python
at all! So it will depend on which vim scripting engine you have installed.

> with a click or few clicks provide syntax+highlighting+syntax
> error-checking setup. This can be difficult in the traditional text
> editors vim+ emacs,(I know vim) have to be compiled with certain
> support, as well as then have plugins installed/created,

It shouldn't be the case. The latest versions of both vim and emacs come 
with syntax highlighting set up by default and auto recognize
many languages (based on file extension). So this should not be a 
deciding factor.

Much more of an issue for a newbie is, in both vim and emacs, the 
completely non standard keybindings. Neither use the "normal"
keys for movement, cut n paste, searching etc And its adapting to the 
keybindings that will (a) take time and (b) be a source of frustration 
while learning. And both editors are only really efficient if you drive 
them from the keyboard, they do support mice/menus etc but they are not 
optimised for that.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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