[Tutor] Paper Rock Scissors game - User's choice not returned properly
Joel Montes de Oca
joelmontes01 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 18:09:16 CET 2011
On Mon 31 Oct 2011 12:14:40 PM EDT, Hugo Arts wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 4:41 PM, Joel Montes de Oca
> <joelmontes01 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am having a little trouble with a block of code that isn't behaving the
>> way I would expect. Maybe you can give me a hand and point where it
>> is going
>> wrong.
>> The function that is not working correctly belongs to a Paper Rock
>> Scissor
>> game I am making.
>> This particular function is responsible to:
>> a) Get the user's choice (Paper, Rock, or Scissors)
>> b) Return the user's choice within the variable choice to the function
>> that called it.
>> The function works correctly as long as the user does not try to enter a
>> string other than 'P', 'R', or 'S'.
>> Logic:
>> Take the user's string and put it in the variable choice.
>> If choice is not 'P', 'R', or 'S' then pass a message to the user and
>> call the function again.
>> If the choice is 'P', 'R', or 'S' then return choice to where it was
>> called from.
>> The problem is this.
>> When the user enters a string other than the valid ones, the if
>> statements
>> catches it and calls the same function again so the user can enter a
>> valid
>> string. But the variable choice does not get assigned the new string
>> entered
>> by the user, instead it is empty.
>> I would expect if the function runs again, the variable choice would be
>> updated to the last value given by the user.
>> The function: ( http://dpaste.com/644857/)
>> def UserChoice (): # The function that returns the choice from the user
>> print 'Please select (P) for paper, (R) for Rock, or (S) for Scissors.'
>> choice = raw_input('What is your selection?: ')
>> if choice.lower() not in ('p', 'r','s'): # Converts the user's choice to
>> lowercase and confirms the choice is valid
>> print 'I am sorry, you entered \'' + choice.upper() + '\' which is an
>> invalid response. Please try again.'
>> raw_input('Press Enter to try again.')
>> UserChoice () # If the choice is not valid, run the function over
>> else:
>> return choice
> Your problem is that you don't quite understand recursion.
> When a function calls itself, it's not actually any different from
> when a function A calls another function B. Once function B is done
> running and returns, control goes back to function A. It doesn't
> matter if function B is actually the same function as A. In fact, even
> if A and B are the same function, they don't "share" any variables and
> are totally separate as if they were two different functions that just
> happened to do the same thing.
> So, how does this apply to your function? Let's go through a run of
> it. We call UserChoice (this is function A) and we input a wrong
> letter. So, A calls UserChoice again (this is function B), and this
> time we input something valid. So, function B runs the line "return
> choice."
> Control now returns to function A, right at the point where we called
> function B. So what do we do here with the choice that was just
> returned from function B? Well, looking at the line where it's called,
> it's just "UserChoice()". So we do nothing. We just throw it away.
> Then, we continue on with function A, move out of the if statement,
> and "fall off the end" of the function. And when that happens, Python
> returns None from function A to show you that nothing was returned.
> If you understood all that, you should be able to fix your problem.
> Hugo
Hey Hugo,
I think I understand your explanation. Let me see if I get it.
The code:
def UserChoice (): *# I WILL CALL THIS FUNCTION A*
print 'Please select (P) for paper, (R) for Rock, or (S) for Scissors.'
choice = raw_input('What is your selection?:')
if choice.lower() not in ('p', 'r','s'):
print 'I am sorry, you entered\'' + choice.upper() + '\' which is an invalid response. Please try again.'
raw_input('Press Enter to try again.')
OK so when the user uses a valid letter, the variable choice gets
returned to FUNCTION MAIN. Everything works fine.
When the user enters an invalid letter, FUNCTION B calls FUNCTION A.
FUNCTION A returns choice to FUNCTION B. FUNCTION B does nothing with
the return, FUNCTION MAIN gets nothing to returned to it, thus choice is
|__ FUN A
|_ FUN B
This is how I understand it. So if I want this to work, I need FUN B to
give something back to FUN A so that FUN A will have something to give
back to FUN MAIN but that doesn't feel right.
Is there a way to say GO TO FUN A instead of calling the function?
I also found this Youtube video on the topic of recursion in python.
-Joel M.
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