[Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 92, Issue 123

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Oct 31 19:37:38 CET 2011

On 31/10/11 12:56, Rinu Boney wrote:
> I Use Windows.I Already Know C/C++ which makes python syntax seem very easy.
> Maybe Setting Up Emacs With Python Will Make Me Productive.

If you learn emacs then it will.
But learning emacs is almost as big a task as learning Python, it is a 
complete user environment not just a text editor.

> I Have Eclipse With PyDev.

Then you will have most of the features you would get from emacs just in 
a more Windows-like style.

> Why Is There Not A Pythonic Emacs?

There is, in that there is a python mode plug-in that provides an 
interactive prompt, syntax highlighting, auto-completion, debugging 
support etc. but it's all integrated with the standard emacs way of 
working because thats what emacs users expect. Python works just like 
perl, C++, Lisp, Smalltalk and all the other languages that are 
supported on emacs. But that is the point, emacs makes everything look 
like emacs. emacs does not try to look like every other Windows IDE.
And emacs looks a lot more like Unix than it does like Windows...

And there is no python macro language for emacs because emacs is a macro 
language. The original emacs was just a set of macros for the Teco 
editor. That got rewritten in lisp to become emacs as we know it but 99% 
of what you see in emacs is implemented in lisp macros over a very small 
core of C code. That's what gives it its power and its complexity 
because users have written macros to read mail, usenet, browse the web, 
do ftp transfers etc etc... And writing Python programs is just one more 
set of macros.

> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 8:23 AM, <tutor-request at python.org
> <mailto:tutor-request at python.org>> wrote:
>     Send Tutor mailing list submissions to
>     tutor at python.org <mailto:tutor at python.org>

BTW please do not send the entire contents of the digest with your 
mails. Its not good for those who pay by the byte... or have small 
memory devices(like smart phones).

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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