[Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 92, Issue 123

Tim Johnson tim at akwebsoft.com
Mon Oct 31 20:31:42 CET 2011

* Rinu Boney <rinu.matrix at gmail.com> [111031 07:03]:
> I Use Windows.I Already Know C/C++ which makes python syntax seem very easy.
> Maybe Setting Up Emacs With Python Will Make Me Productive.
> I Have Eclipse With PyDev.
> Why Is There Not A Pythonic Emacs?
  Rinu, by this time I believe that Alan has addressed your question
  above. He has also (wisely) provided caveats regarding the
  difficulty of learning emacs itself. 

  I'll take a reverse of Alan's comments, not to contradict him, but
  to give a possible different perspective:

  If you learn to use emacs with python, you will essentially be
  learning *two* programming languages: Python _and_ elisp, which is
  the internal programming language of emacs. Emacs is essentially
  an elisp interpreter. There may be advantages to learning two
  languages simultaneously. 

  This will take time. A lot of time. Do you have the time? Will you
  be compensated for the time? :) having two additional programming
  languages "under your belt" may be considered compensation.

  In case you do not know this: Emacs has the ability to run the
  python or language-your-choice interpreter asynchronous within the
  editor, in it's own window. There could be great advantages to
  this. I have in the past, written elisp code that allows me two
  write code in one window and have it evaluated in the 'python
  window' or 'language-of-your-choice window'.

  I'll reiterate what I said earlier, I no longer use emacs, but
  have great respect for it. I use vim linked against the python
  binary so that I can use python code to enhance my (hand-rolled)
  "IDE". <grin> I much prefer python code to elisp code.

  I hope my comments are of some help. I'm sure that you have been
  well informed as to what you would be getting youself into. :)
tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

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