[Tutor] Quote of the Day version 1.0

Christopher King g.nius.ck at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 21:54:59 CEST 2011

I would use a tuple of dictionaries.
import random

quotes = (
   {'author':"Kahlil Gibran", 'quote':"A candle loses nothing of its light
lighting another."), #My favorite
   {'author':"Henrik Ibsen", 'quote':"The strongest man in the world is he
who stands
most alone."})

quote = random.choice(quotes)
print "{quote}\n\tBy {author}".format(**quote)

I use the dictionaries, because your not just storing a list of strings,
your storing two strings of different purposes. I store the dictionaries in
a tuple, because they are all quotes, but they currently never change during
the course of the program. Some quotes have been omitted due to my laziness.
I have not tested or debugged this code(I had to leave you something to do.)
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