[Tutor] Unusual pathfile

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 12 21:05:27 CEST 2011

On 12/09/11 15:49, Susana Iraiis Delgado Rodriguez wrote:
> Hi!
> I developed a python gui module to make a walk through a directory. This
> time I want the user to select the parameters I need from the python
> gui. The results will be written in a csv file, the problem I found is
> the pathfile shows this way:
> C:/\Archivos de programa\FWTools2.4.7\bin\mapnik-0.7.1\demo\data

What exactly do you feel is wrong with that?
Is it the fact that the first slash after the colon is forward facing?
Or is there something else?

> I'm workin with Python 2.6.6 and Windows XP, the code is:

Could you please use a few more spaces. Both to indent the code (2 
spaces ids really the minimum and 3 or 4 is normal. But one is
useless) and to separate the functions vertically. (ie a blank line 
before the def statements)

It is really very hard work wading through this stuff! I don't know how 
you can read it but I'm struggling to see the structure.

> from Tkinter import * #Llamo las librerias graficas de Tk
> import tkSimpleDialog #Libreria de almacenamiento de dialogos
> import tkMessageBox #Libreria de mensajes
> import tkFileDialog
> import sys, os, csv, time, socket, stat
> from osgeo import ogr,gdal,osr
> from osgeo.gdalconst import *
> from PIL import Image
> dir = ""
> extn = ""
> csv_name = ""

> def directorio():
>   global dir
>   print 'Seleccione directorio donde empezar'
>   dirname =
> tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=root,initialdir="/",title='Selecciona
> la ruta a escanear')
>   if len(dirname ) > 0:
>    print "You chose %s" % dirname
>   dir = dirname

> def extension():
>   global extn
>   print "Escribe la extension que necesitas buscar"
>   ext=tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Extension a buscar:','')
>   print 'Buscando archivos: ',ext
>   extn = ext

> def csv_w():
>   global csv_name
>   print "Nombre del csv a crear"
>   inv=tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Nombre de .csv:','')
>   print 'Archivo de salidad: ',inv
>   csv_name = inv

> def boton4():
>   print 'Iniciando...'
>   gdal.AllRegister()
>   file_list = []
>   folders = None
>   for root, folders, files in os.walk(dir):
>    file_list.extend(os.path.join(root,fi) for fi in files if
> fi.endswith(extn))
>   f = open(csv_name, 'wb')
>   log = open ('log_errores.txt','w')
>   writer = csv.writer(f)
>   ruta = 'Ruta'
>   archivo = 'archivo'
>   x_min = 'x_min'
>   x_max = 'x_max'
>   y_min = 'y_min'
>   y_max = 'y_max'
>   geometria = 'geometria'
>   num_elem = 'num_elem'
>   prj = '.prj'
>   proyeccion = 'proyeccion'
>   fecha = 'fecha_modificacion'
>   creacion = 'fecha_creacion'
>   ultimo = 'ultimo_acceso'
>   tamanio = 'tamanio_aprox'
>   maq = 'maquina_host'
>   usu = 'usuario'
>   campos =
> [ruta,archivo,x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,geometria,num_elem,prj,proyeccion,creacion,fecha,ultimo,tamanio,maq,usu]
>   writer.writerow(campos)
>   for row, filepath in enumerate(file_list, start=1):
>    directorio = os.path.dirname(filepath)
>    filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
>    shapeData = ogr.Open(filepath)
>    shp = 'Error al abrir el archivo' +filepath
>    if shapeData is None:
>     print shp
>     log.write(shp+"\n")

> I don't want to get filepath order

I don't understand what that means?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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