[Tutor] Running .py files in shell

Robert Layne robert.layne at rockets.utoledo.edu
Wed Sep 21 23:23:54 CEST 2011

Well everybody, sorry for the incomplete sentences
and overall poor English but I wanted to make this 
simple to read and understand for someone who 
is completely inexperienced in any sort of programming,
as I am (very first day messing with this stuff, e.g., 
terminal).  This is the result of hours of Googling that
was all done in one day.  Perhaps someone who is 
familiar with the commands below (in bold) wouldn’t 
mind explaining what exactly is taking place.  Additionally,
this was all done in terminal on a MacBook Pro 
running Mac OS Lion.

1.	Install macport binary (comes with installer; easy)
2.	sudo port install py-game
     a.	not sure if this is necessary, as it doesn’t appear to cause 
        pygame to be functional       
        for python version 2.7.1 (stock python on lion)
3.	sudo port select --set python python 2.7
     a.	I believe this set the default python version to 2.7.2 
        which I also believe was 
        downloaded during step 2 (therefore why I think this
        ends up being a necessary step)
4.	Download setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.tar
5.	In folder gasp-0.3.4, which appears after clicking 
        on the .tar, place setup.py in the gasp folder
6.	sudo python gasp/setup.py install 
     a.	make sure your directory is the folder gasp-0.3.4
7.	sudo port –v install py27-gtk
     a.	takes about an hour for this step to complete
8.	sudo port uninstall py-game
     a.	this step is not necessary for gasp to work; I simply
        didn’t want any unnecessary 
        stuff on my computer that was downloaded during the 
        second step; however, this step 
        put python 2.7.2 on my computer; could install 2.7.2 
        separately I guess but this way 
        worked for me; a lot of other unnecessary stuff is installed 
        during this step too but 
        I think it’ll remain even after this command, oh well

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