[Tutor] List of Classes with a dictionary within the Class.

Mukund Chavan mukundc at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 21 23:57:06 CEST 2011


I was trying to get a list of Class Objects. 
The Class itself has string fields and a dictionary that is initialized as a part of the "__init__"

However the fields of the dictionary for each object in the list of class objects seems to be the same.
I took an example from the following site:
"http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/code/216631" and modified it. The code is cut/pasted below
with the result of the run immediately following. I expected the 4th and 5th column in the output to be unique, but
they seem to get the value of the last item in the iter range. 

I am running "Python 2.6.5" on Ubuntu 10.04 TLS-64bit.

Thanks in advance.

- Mukund


#a list of class objects to mimic a C type array of structures
# tested with Python24 vegaseat 30sep2005

class Person(object):
   """__init__() functions as the class constructor"""
   def __init__(self, name=None, job=None, quote=None, num1=None, num2=None):
      self.name = name
      self.job = job
      self.quote = quote


# make a list of class Person(s)
personList = []
for i in range(4):

print "Show one particular item:"
print personList[0].name


print "... then show all quotes and who said so:"
for person in personList:
   print "\"%s\" %s (%s) %s %s" % (person.quote, person.name, person.job,str(person.personAttrs['num1']),str(person.personAttrs['num2']))


print "What the heck did the person named Sanosi say?"
look = "Sanosi"
for person in personList:
   if look in person.name:
      print "%s: \"%s\"" % (person.name, person.quote)

Show one particular item:

... then show all quotes and who said so:
"XYZ" M (0) -3 3
"XYZ" M (1) -3 3
"XYZ" M (2) -3 3
"XYZ" M (3) -3 3

What the heck did the person named Sanosi say?

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