[Tutor] ADO with python 2.6 without additional installs

Bakkestuen Roger roger.bakkestuen at vegvesen.no
Tue Apr 10 11:13:20 CEST 2012

I'm struggling with finding a way to access and query an MSAccess base in an organisation with a very standardised environment.
Python 2.6 is available and Office 2010.

Is there a way to access and query trough for instance ADO without having to install the Win32 package?
Any suggestions or even sample code?

Best regards
Roger Bakkestuen

Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Eastern Region - Geodata
Post adress: Statens vegvesen Region øst, Postboks 1010, 2605 LILLEHAMMER
Office adress: Industrigaten 17, LILLEHAMMER
Phone: +47 61271236  Mobile: +47 94833636  e-mail: roger.bakkestuen at vegvesen.no<mailto:roger.bakkestuen at vegvesen.no>
www.vegvesen.no<http://www.vegvesen.no/>  e-mail: firmapost-ost at vegvesen.no<mailto:firmapost-ost at vegvesen.no>

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