[Tutor] how to build a multiplayer game?

Jerry Hill malaclypse2 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 15:56:04 CEST 2012

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 9:30 AM, Surya K <suryak at live.com> wrote:
> Well, can we make the program so that user enters his IP, DNS addresses
> before starting?

You could, sure.  That's fine for testing purposes, but most people
don't know their own IP addresses.  Many people don't have a DNS entry
for their home PC.  Also, what about NAT?

> Don't you think DNS is required as IP addr may be same for some people in
> this world.. after all, we only have limited number of combinations.
> (xx.xx.xx.xx .. )

Again, not every computer has a DNS address.  If you are going to ask
a user to hand enter their IP address, it would make sense to accept
either a numeric IP address, or a DNS name.

> * I even got a wild idea, can't we use a IRC channel, create a group and we
> make sure that each user of the game will be a member of the group??

Sure, but now you have to write (or embed) an IRC client.  Do you need
to worry about someone joining your channel that isn't using your game
client?  Does that have potential security implications?

> approx, how much delay would be there??

That depends on the delay from each client to the IRC server.

> Hmm, google app engine is a nice option but thing is I don't know how to use
> it.

You're going to have to learn quite a bit about networking and
probably client / server architecture to write a networked game.


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