[Tutor] write list to columns

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 12 09:48:24 CEST 2012

On 12/04/12 03:31, questions anon wrote:
> I am trying to simply write a list of values to txt file in one column.
> I would then like to add another list in a second column.

That's going to be quite awkward to do. Files like to be written one 
complete line at a time. The normal approach would be to build up the 
table structure in memory and then write the entire table out in one go.
If it won't fit in memory use a simple database like SQLite to build the 
table then print that out row by row.

> Somehow they only appear as one long row.

You need to write newlines but you probably also want to use string 
formatting to control the amount of space required so that your columns 
line up.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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