[Tutor] how to select a player to play first on a multiplayer game which runs on IRC

Surya K suryak at live.com
Thu Apr 19 15:41:31 CEST 2012

> Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 07:24:33 -0400
> From: d at davea.name
> To: suryak at live.com
> CC: tutor at python.org; bgailer at gmail.com
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to select a player to play first on a multiplayer game which runs on IRC
> On 04/19/2012 06:54 AM, Surya K wrote:
> > I am writing tic tac toe game which runs on IRC (i am using freenode now).
> > Each player will be a channel member. So, players send private messages between each other to play game. This sounds fine but I need the below things to get done, but I don't know how to do them..
> > How my game works:
> > Each player will have my program (tictactoe.exe).
> > So, each player has to enter a unique Nick Name for them and a their's friend's nick name to play :
> > ## Now, I want to know whether the player is on the channel or not. for that I need a list of nick's on the channel. How to get them?
> I can't help there.
> > The biggest problem is here:
> > ## How to select a player to play first... ??? How do I get this done?
> >
> >
> In a peer-to-peer connection, there are a number of situations where you
> have to break symmetry.  This is one of them, though not the first. 
> Since you don't have a 3rd party arbiter, the two endpoints have to
> agree between themselves which of them is to be the arbiter when both
> sides need to agree on something.  Once you've chosen the arbiter, then
> each decision is made by asking the arbiter.
> Start by choosing a large "random" number (or guid) at each end.  Each
> sends his own guid along with the two nick-names to propose the new
> game.  One of the guids will be larger, and that machine is the arbiter.
> The first conflict to be resolved this way is not who goes first, but
> how you make sure you only have one game between any two endpoints. 
> What happens if more than two players are present, and what happens if
> more than one of them picks the same nickname?  Are you going to permit
> one of the players to play against two others at the same time, and how
> will you keep the games straight?  You need a connection token for each
> running game, and that's probably the first time you need an arbiter.
Actually, as in a IRC channel, each user should have a unique nick name, the problem is resolved.Actually, in this game, the 2 players will have a private chat.. so, there would be no chance that other person will come into picture.

Rather that doing all this mess, I want to put a server on Google App Engine and run clients on my PC. But I don't know how!!
I have to know Google API for writing GAE app's using python 2.7
Lets say, I have created a server using python 2.7, can you tell me how to run it on GAE ?? (Assuming, I haven't used any google api).. 
Actually, I don't need any Templates, nice HTML pages on Google App. Its enough to just mention how many peers are connected at that particular instant...
can you tell me how to do that??
> The second case is choosing who goes first.  The arbiter probably
> chooses that randomly, and notifies the other player.  The third case is
> how to handle miscommunication.  Messages can be lost between the end
> points, and you may have to reconstruct the state, so both ends get back
> in synch.  Fourth is how to quit.  If one player quits, the other might
> not get notified correctly, so you have to keep the connection token for
> a while, to aid cleanup.
> -- 
> DaveA
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