[Tutor] PYFTDI Library for FT232H

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 3 02:02:53 CEST 2012

On 03/08/12 00:38, John Battle wrote:
> I am relatively new to Pyton and am trying to use a library called
> pyftdi which is used to establish communication with USB chips

This list is really for those learning the core Python language and 
standard library. Although we do cover some common third party libraries 
too it's not really our purpose.

You might be very lucky and find someone who knows this particular 
library but you will generally have better success on a support forum 
for the library or by writing the author directly. Failing that you 
could try the main Python mailing list/newsgroup.

> I have a C program that will do this but I need to do it in Python.

If it's simply how to translate the C to Python we might be able to 
help. If you can post a short example of the C that you want to
emulate we may be able to help with that.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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