[Tutor] How do I fix this?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Aug 15 00:49:19 CEST 2012

On 14/08/12 23:30, Lily Tran wrote:

> I have 320 dollars to buy grocery.  My program would print out: I have
> 321 to buy grocery.  However, the code that I have listed below would
> print out: I have 431 dollars to buy grocery.  How do I fix this program
> so that it print out 321 vs. 431?

Since this is obviously a homework or tutorial exercise I'll only give 
some hints.

> def WhereAreNumbers(a_list):
> for index, element in enumerate(a_list):

note: a_list is really a string not a list plus you aren't using index 
so you could just use:

for char in a_string

>     if element.isdigit():
>              new_number = int(element)

You stop with the first digit but you really need to collect all the 
digits before converting to a number. There are several ways to do this 
but I'll discuss the most simplistic...

You need to store the digit you found into a list then fetch the next 
character from the string and see if it too is a number, if so add it to 
the list of current digits. When you get a non-digit convert your list 
of digits to a number and add one.

So how to fetch the next char? Just let the loop "continue"(hint)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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