[Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 102, Issue 48

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Aug 21 09:52:25 CEST 2012

On 21/08/12 06:12, Osemeka Osuagwu wrote:

> right_product(row, col) for (row = 0, col = 18) I had anticipated this
> and added the "if col>len(data[row])-3:" statement

But because of zero indexing you need this to be either:

if col >= len(data[row])-3:


if col > len(data[row])-4:

ie. if row length is 10 the indexes go from 0-9 so the
highest index you can use is 6.

However you have similar problems in other places, such
as your main function. Consider:

     for row in range(len(data)):
         for col in range(len(data[row])):
             if right_product(row, col) > prod:
                 source = [data[row][i] for i in range(col, col+4)]

what happens when col gets bigger than len(row)-4?

             if down_right_product(row, col) > prod:
                 source = [data[row+each][col+each] for each in range(4)]

And this is even worse because both additions could blow up.

It's probably better  if you can fix it in the for loops
rather than putting if guards in.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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