[Tutor] subprocess.Popen help...thanks

Ray Jones crawlzone at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 03:57:23 CEST 2012

Thanks to all who responded. I'm deeply into some of the links provided,
and my understanding has greatly increased.


On 08/22/2012 12:59 AM, Andreas Perstinger wrote:
> On 22.08.2012 03:39, Ray Jones wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a link to a really good tutorial that would help me
>> with subprocess.Popen? a tutorial that uses really small words and more
>> examples than explanation? After 15 years of scripting, I'm ashamed to
>> say that I'm still not all that familiar with input, output, pipes, etc.
>> much beyond a simple 'ls | ws -l' or <pgm> &2>/dev/null scenarios. The
>> docs for Popen have left me completely boggled, and I'm not seeing much
>> available on Google search. Any suggestions?
> What about this tutorial:
> http://jimmyg.org/blog/2009/working-with-python-subprocess.html
> or Doug Hellmann's PyMOTW page about subprocess:
> http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/subprocess/index.html
> Bye, Andreas
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