[Tutor] Fwd: Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 106, Issue 31

Brian van den Broek brian.van.den.broek at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 16:02:20 CET 2012

Forwarding to the list what I sent privately. Stupid android UI.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Brian van den Broek" <brian.van.den.broek at gmail.com>
Date: 14 Dec 2012 10:01
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 106, Issue 31
To: "Waters, Mike [ITSCA Non-J&J]" <mwaters at its.jnj.com>

On 14 Dec 2012 08:43, "Waters, Mike [ITSCA Non-J&J]" <mwaters at its.jnj.com>
> Hi Python tutor
> I have a question I believe I have posted before: when you have filled
the page with text (commands,list etc) how do you clear the page to allow a
clean page to continue on writing script?
> Thanks appreciate your help.
> Mike


Please start a new thread for a new question rather than replying to the
digest as you have done. This avoids a tonne of text irrelevant to your
question (which I have removed) and affords you the easy to avail yourself
of oportunity to give your inquiry a meaningful subject line.

What do you mean by 'page'? What software are you working with? What OS?
You've not given enough information.

If you are thinking of an interactive prompt (though you don't seem to be)
you can clear it with

print "\n" * 80 # or some appropriate value

If that doesn't help, please ask again with enough information about your
context to allow those willing to help you to do so.


Brian vdB
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