[Tutor] Clearing Python text

Kwpolska kwpolska at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 09:50:00 CET 2012

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 2:10 AM, Mike G <msg.ufo at gmail.com> wrote:
> I use Windows XP, Python 2.7, Notepad++ as my editor, and generally
> run my .py files from cmd, this is how I toggle between running my .py
> file after an edit (and save) and subsequently clearing the screen -
> it's pretty easy.
> I "arrow-up/arrow-down" on the keyboard to reprint (type) the latest
> command in cmd, this toggles between running my .py file...
> runs my file ... C:\Python27\MyScripts>python helloworld.py
> and to clear whatever printed to the screen...
> clears the screen ... C:\Python27\MyScripts>cls
> Once you've typed both at the prompt just arrow up or down, then hit
> enter - file run or screen cleared, as well saves time retyping.
> Sorry if I missed it but this works for me because I too prefer to
> print to a cleared screen, don't know why, just do.
> Mike :)
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Or cls & python file.py.

(clear; ./file.py for the 2 POSIX folks that want this behavior.)
Kwpolska <http://kwpolska.tk>
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