[Tutor] Use python to read data from mouse but not move cursor

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 26 00:14:16 CET 2012

On 25/12/12 01:39, wang yong wrote:

> I am new to Python. I am trying to use win32api to read out mouse
> movement from an additional mouse attached to my compputer. But, I do
> not want this mouse to move my cursor. So, do you guys have any
> suggestions or codes for this task! Really appreciate it! Thanks for the
> help.

This group is really about learning the python language and standard 
library and that's a pretty deeply Windows specific question. I suspect 
you'll have more success on the win32 mailing list.

This is really about how to handle Windows mouse events rather than 
Python per se. I suspect the answer will be the same regardless of
the language you use.

You can try the Python Windows mailing list or the newsgroup version on 


Or even some of the more generic Windows programming lists/groups/fora

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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