[Tutor] help

Mike G msg.ufo at gmail.com
Sun Dec 30 13:30:21 CET 2012

Hi Randy

> I am an older newbie teaching myself Python programming.

Me too :)

> My problem is I hear no system bell; the enter doesn't respond by quitting the program;
> The problem with the program code the enter key hasn't worked in earlier programs.
> I appreciate any advice I may recieve with this coding glitch.

I copied the code into a blank .py file and ran it from cmd in Windows
XP x86 using Python 273, it worked fine - including the beep. As well,
hitting "Enter" exited the program.

It sounds like (no pun intended) it may be how you're running the
program. I would use a py file and run it using cmd - holler if you
need help, you may if the path to Python isn't good to go.


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