[Tutor] Cmd Advice

Dave Hanson dave at hansonforensics.co.uk
Sun Feb 5 16:26:31 CET 2012

Thanks Alan.

I have ran python programs before at work. But not ones you need to
continually interact with from the command line. This particular program
needs that.

Dos isn't unavailable, just windows + r and cmd are disabled by IT.

I can force a dos window to open by using a bat or python program. What I'm
trying to get around is not being able to interact with the program using
[options] like -l for list for example.

Also, Apologies if this is a top post, my phone is difficult to write on.

Thanks again,

On Feb 5, 2012 3:04 PM, "Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote:

> On 05/02/12 13:26, Dave Hanson wrote:
>  So far so good. I then realised that at work (XP) I have restricted
>> access to a command line and so wouldn't be able to use it, restricted
>> in the sense of I simply am not permitted to access it!
> Are you prevented from using it or is it just a company policy?
> In other words can you type Windows-r and get the run dialog
> and type cmd into it to bring up a dos box? But if you do so
> you could be disciplined? Or is there something on your PC build that
> actually stops cmd from working (which would be really strange since it
> would stop a lot of windows tools from working!)
>  revealed a class called "cmd" which I read up on
>> http://docs.python.org/**library/cmd.html<http://docs.python.org/library/cmd.html>and I also found a good
>> site explaining the basics of how to use it
>> http://www.doughellmann.com/**PyMOTW/cmd/<http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/cmd/>
>> .
>> I'm thinking of making it an executable file that pops up with a
>> terminal that I can enter the commands as I would on my bash shell - if
>> that makes sense?
> But that will still need to run in a cmd window, whether launched
> directly by you or indirectly by XP.
> What happens if you create a desktop shortcut to one of your python
> programs, say one like this:
> #################
> print ("hello world")
> input("Hit return to quit")
> #################
> Does it bring up a console?
> If so you have no problem, just use ypur normal script and create a
> shortcut.
>   * Am I going down the right route by using "Cmd" or is there a better
>> way.
> cmd is a useful module but largely irrelevant to your question. It is a
> style of UI within a Python script. You may well decide to use cmd in your
> script rather than presenting menus etc. But it has no influence on whether
> your script will run on XP.
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
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