[Tutor] Sandbox Game

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 5 23:07:35 CET 2012

On 05/02/12 20:44, Nate Lastname wrote:

> I appreciate the reply, but I have two things to say:
> 1. Your nastiness is not appreciated or really needed.

I don't think Robert intended to be nasty. But you
don't really give us much of a clue what you want.
There is a ton of stuff on Google, if it doesn't
answer your questions you need to be more precise
about what kind of help you need.

What have you tried, what are you planning,
what don't you understand? If you say "everything"
then we will just tell you to start at the beginning.

The more precisely you frame your questions the more
likely you are to get a useful answer.

> 2. If you look at the results, none of them actually give relavant info.

Relevant to what? the ones I looked at were all
relevant in some way or another. But I don't know
what you were expecting to find.

Blender seems to be a common theme.
And here is one such game with downloadable source code.
Maybe you can use that as a starter? Or maybe just join their project?


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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