[Tutor] Sandbox Game
Nate Lastname
defensoft at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 22:11:22 CET 2012
Hold on... I just found one! It's not ideal, but it will work at
least for a base -
http://www.pygame.org/project-pysand-1387-2577.html. Thanks again,
all, for your excellent help!
The Defenestrator
On 2/6/12, Nate Lastname <defensoft at gmail.com> wrote:
> Some more info:
> It's in pygame.
> It's 2d.
> I cannot find any python versions out there. Yes, there is a
> graphical interface, and yes, it is a user-controlled game.
> Thank you all for your help!
> The Defenestrator
> On 2/6/12, bob gailer <bgailer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2/6/2012 11:16 AM, Nate Lastname wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> The basic idea is that there are different types of sand. They fall
>>> and move (or don't, if they are solid) and interact with each other in
>>> different ways. I.E.; there is a lava type; it falls, and when it
>>> hits other sand types, it heats them up. If it gets cold, it becomes
>>> sand.
>> Thanks for a top-level overview. I have no practical experience with
>> game /programming /, just some general concepts which I offer here, and
>> leave it to others to assist.
>> You might add more specifics - do you want a graphics display? User
>> interaction? Anything you add to your description helps us and helps you
>> move to your goal.
>> I suggest you start simple, get something working then add another
>> feature.
>> Simple? Could be as simple as 1 grain falling till it hits bottom. Does
>> it have an initial velocity? Does it accelerate under the pull of
>> gravity? Velocity means speed and direction. What happens when it hits
>> bottom?
>> Then add a 2nd grain. What happens if the 2 collide?
>> What is your update rate (how often do you recompute the positions of
>> all the grains)? What is the smallest increment of position change?
>> I assume you will create a class for each type of sand grain. with
>> relevant properties and methods.
>> You will need a program that runs in a loop (probably with a sleep) to
>> - update positions and velocities of each grain (by invoking class
>> methods)
>> - detect and manage collisions
>> - display each grain (by invoking class methods)
>> If you are using a graphics package I assume you will have a "canvas" on
>> which you will draw some kind of object to represent a particular class
>> of grain at the current x,y(,z?) coordinates of each grain.
>> It is possible to change the base class of an object on-the-fly, so a
>> lava drop could become a sand grain.
>> That's all for now. Good coding!
>> I don't want to copy the game
>> Is there a Python version out there?
>>> , I want to make my own to play around with Py(thon/game).
>> --
>> Bob Gailer
>> 919-636-4239
>> Chapel Hill NC
> --
> My Blog - Defenestration Coding
> http://defenestrationcoding.wordpress.com/
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