[Tutor] (no subject)

ken brockman krush1954 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 9 08:22:34 CET 2012

 Really close to it Robert. No delete but an error msg. Something akin to file dosen't exist, not found , or words to that effect .

Something "akin to"?

How about if you copy and paste the actual error message, instead of asking us to guess?
Have been all afternoon'
That means the full traceback, starting at the line "Traceback (most recent call last)" all the way to the end.

I have been trying to post all afternoon to no avail. I keep getting bounced back...As per instructions from the list i have resubmitted my original request 20 times. Not sure of this one will get through either but here goes.
As i had written 20 times before, the issue is resolved, as such no error msgs, but will try to replicated it, I seem pretty good at generating error msg.: Take 15: sigh,,

def General_info():
file4 = open("Genfacts.p", "rb")

Ginfo = pickle.load(file4)
print('General Information: ')
GinfoKey = input('CatKey: ')
GinfoFact = input('Info: ')
Ginfo[GinfoKey] = GinfoFact  # add new key:fact
file4 = open("Genfacts.p", "wb")
pickle.dump(Ginfo, file4)
thanks for the good folks who have tried to help.
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