[Tutor] Character Buffer Object Error OOPS

bob gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 23:49:33 CET 2012

On 2/8/2012 11:04 PM, Michael Lewis wrote:
> Thanks Bob,

My Bad - I did not examine all your code - I broke my own rule.

Your code is still a little buggy.

> The below code is what I came up with without using your suggestion. 
> On a scale, how novice is mine compared to what you offered? I am 
> curious because I want to know if I should have come up with your 
> solution instead of what I did come up with.

Since you are studying Python you do well to apply what you learn. The 
first objective is to get something that works.

As you learn more you then apply new techniques.

When you have learned conditional expressions, list comprehensions and 
generator expressions then you will be able to write the code I did.

That code is just an alternative to what you wrote, "flattening it" as 
it were.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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