[Tutor] How to hide cursor in Terminal?

brandon w bbbgggwww at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 12:38:21 CET 2012

I made a timer that counts down from five minutes. This code runs fine but
I a seeing a cursor blinking on the first number as the code is running.
How do I avoid this?

I am using gnome-terminal and Python 2.6.6.


import time
import sys
import os

def countd():

    seconds = 59
    minutes = 4
    five_minutes = 0


    while five_minutes != 300:
        sys.stdout.write("%d:%02.f\r" % (minutes, seconds))
        seconds -= 1
        if seconds == -1:
            minutes -= 1
            seconds = 59

        five_minutes += 1


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