[Tutor] list comprehension efficiency

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Feb 19 03:55:15 CET 2012

Bill Allen wrote:
> Generally speaking, are list comprehensions more efficient that the
> equivalent for loop with interior conditionals for a given task?  Do they
> compile down to the same Python byte code?

It depends, and no.

For-loops are more general, so there are loops that can't be written as list 
comprehensions. Consequently, so is the byte code generated. Python makes no 
attempt to analyse a for-loop and decide that it could be written as a list 
comp. Nor do list comps generate the exact same code as a for-loop: they 
can't, because the semantics are slightly different.

(Specifically, a list comp is an atomic operation: either the whole thing 
succeeds, or the resultant list does not persist. That same does not apply to 

You can inspect the byte code produced by using the dis module.

But, for the subset of possible for-loops which can be re-written as list 
comps, yes, list comps often are more efficient, as building the list can be 
performed at full C speed instead of at relatively slower Python speed. But 
don't over-estimate how big a difference that makes in practice. For trivial 
loops, it makes a big difference:

py> with Timer():
...     _ = [None for i in range(10000)]
time taken: 0.004692 seconds
py> with Timer():
...     _ = []
...     for i in range(10000):
...             _.append(None)
time taken: 0.020877 seconds

but for loops that do actual, significant work, the difference becomes 
correspondingly less important:

py> def func(x):
...     y = 2*i**3 - 15*i*i + 17*i + 3
...     z = x**0.5/(2*y**2 - 1)
...     return (3*z)/(1+z)**1.25
py> with Timer():
...     _ = [func(i) for i in range(10000)]
time taken: 0.210438 seconds
py> with Timer():
...     _ = []
...     for i in range(10000):
...             _.append(func(i))
time taken: 0.250344 seconds

If you're interested in using my Timer() code, you can find it here:


Beware though, that you can't exit out of a list comp early. So if you have 
code like this:

collection = []
for x in sorted(sequence):
     if x > 10:
     collection.append(x + 5)

versus this:

collection = [x+5 for x in sorted(sequence) if x <= 10]

Consider what happens if sequence = range(1000000). The for-loop does eleven 
iterations, the list-comp does a million. Guess which will be faster? :)


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