[Tutor] Which computer operating system is best for Python developers?

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 23 17:35:38 CET 2012

On 23/02/2012 15:23, Jugurtha Hadjar wrote:
> On 23/02/2012 02:00, Tamar Osher wrote:
>> Hi. I am still having trouble installing and using Python on my (new)
>> Windows 7 computer, but I plan to contact Microsoft forums and see if
>> they can help me, since this is a Windows problem and not a Python
>> problem.
>> My question: For the future, what type of computer is best for Python
>> developers? Do all Python developers use some type of Unix computer?
>> I appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.
>> Thanks for your time.
> That's actually a good question.
> I am in Instrumentation Engineering (Electronics), and a lot of the
> software is designed to run only in Windows, or, the equivalent software
> in Linux is more for hobbyists than for professionnals (Think software
> for printed circuit boards), or, in the best case there are versions
> that run on Linux, but they aren't as featured or updated as the one
> that run on Windows.
> So I work on Windows. I have both Python26 and Python32 installed
> (Python26 for things like Numpy/SciPy).
> I also installed VirtualBox and run Ubuntu 11.10. It's nice because most
> of the software I use is on Windows, but I fire up the virtual machine
> sometimes for programming stuff.
> So it depends what you do and the software you use.
> One last point: Having two versions of Python, here's what I did in
> order to chose which version is used depending what I'm doing (If I'm
> tinkering with Numpy, I must use Python26)
> Python 2.6 is installed in C:\Python26
> Python 3.2 is installed in C:\Python32
> I added both paths to the Windows Environment Variables.
> I created two .bat files named Python26.bat and Python32.bat, each one
> in the respective directory.
> The Python26.bat file contains the follwoing lines:
> @echo off
> C:\Python26\python.exe %1
> And the Python32.bat file contains the follwoing lines:
> @echo off
> C:\Python32\python.exe %1
> So, if I write "python26 test.py" in the command line, the script gets
> "executed" by Python 2.6.
> In the same way, if I write "python32 test.py", it gets executed by
> Python 3.2..
> Just a little thing to make my life easier.
> PS: If you have any question regarding the setting of the Virtual Box to
> run Ubuntu as a guest on Windows, feel free to ask for details. I'll be
> glad to provide links and things like that.

Have you seen pylauncher? https://bitbucket.org/vinay.sajip/pylauncher
Here's the background http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0397/


Mark Lawrence.

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