[Tutor] Writing to a file/changing the file name

bob gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 17:57:05 CET 2012

On 2/23/2012 12:04 AM, Michael Lewis wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a program where I open a file (recipe.txt), I read that file 
> and write it to another file. I am doing some multiplying of numbers 
> in between; however, my question is, when I name the file I am writing 
> to, the file extension is changed, but the file name is not. What am I 
> doing wrong?

Christian gave you the answer (he "fished" for you)

How to "fish" for yourself:

Before posting a question do a walkthru of the program.

This means pretending you are the Python interpreter and your job is to 
execute the program step-by-step, writing down the effect of each statement

You will find many answers yourself this way, saving all of us time and 

in the above case take the statement   new_file_name = file_name + '2'
and do this:
file_name is "recipe.txt"
file_name + '2' is <here you pretend to be the interpreter and answer 
the question what is "recipe.txt" + 2>
If you come up with anything other than "recipe.txt2" then you need to 
review how Python works.

Another idea is: when you get an unexpected result there must be a very 
good reason for it. Do a little hunting. Each time you solve a problem 
for yourself you get stronger.


Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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