JOSEPH MARTIN MPALAKA josempalaka at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 12:07:59 CET 2012

Hullo to you All,
Has any one used IronPython studio from microsoft Visual Studio.

Am so new into IronPython please.

It’s missing a help menu Tutorial link of "HOW TO" along the menu bar,
so as to be used in learning and knowing how make out something. Could
one be able to structure for me this code in IronPython OR, to find me
any other tutorial documentation of designing the above interfaces in
IronPython studio?


MY BEING was HIS BEING.  Of what is magnificent and liked of me, this
was him too. In VAIN, I will always miss u,thou i live with YOU in
                   Lt.Col.Sam .E. Lukakamwa  (DADDY)

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