[Tutor] Which should it be, lists, tuples, dictionary or files?

Ken G. beachkidken at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 01:31:22 CET 2012

On 01/02/2012 05:47 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Ken G. wrote:
>> I have been using an Open Office Spreadsheet containing basically, 
>> the food name, basic serving amount, calories, sodium and 
>> carbohydrate.  Daily, I entered the servicing amount being eaten and 
>> its calculate the amount of calories, sodium and carbohydrate.  For 
>> some odd reason, I kept losing the spreadsheet and its data.
>> I am interested in keeping track of the number of calories consumed 
>> each day.  Due to losing the spreadsheet data so frequencies, I 
>> decided to use Python in keeping track of the basic information and 
>> perhaps, keep track of the calories in a file.
> If you lose the spreadsheets, what makes you think you won't lose the 
> Python files?

I am using Open Office and for unknown reason, it does not always open.  
I am on Ubuntu 10.04.3 OS.  I use my Python files every day.
> [...]
>> Should the above five elements be stored as a list, tuples, 
>> dictionary or file?  I am will familiar with files and have some 
>> knowledge of using lists and tuples.  Not too familiar with dictionary.
> If you to store the data permanently, it has to go into a file. I 
> suggest you learn about INI files to start with. Start by googling for 
> "INI file format" and see if it sounds like what you could use.
Okay, thanks.  I will look into it.  Have not heard of INI file format.


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