[Tutor] loop until a keypress

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Mon Jan 30 09:10:19 CET 2012

Surya K wrote:

> I want to run code until a "enter" is pressed. Well, it shouldn't wait for
> the user to enter "enter" This is my code:

This is what it looks like over here:

> import msvcrtchr = 0while chr != 'q':     print "my code",     if
> msvcrt.kbhit():           chr = msvcrt.getch() 

This is what I suppose you wrote:

> import msvcrt
> chr = 0
> while chr != 'q':
>     print "my code",
>     if msvcrt.kbhit():           
>         chr = msvcrt.getch() 

> This isn't working the way
> I wanted. When ever I press enter, the loop is starting in a new line and
> continuing. I even added "break" statement in "if" block but it isn't
> workingCan you tell me how to do that? 

You could make a little experiment. Run

import msvcrt
while True:
    if msvcrt.kbhit():
        print msvcrt.getch()

and then press the 'q' key. What does this little script print? Can you 
apply the newly gained information to your original code?

> I am on windows. So, as msvcrt is
> for windows, I wonder if there is any module that works for both,

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