[Tutor] Factor Analysis

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Fri Jul 6 05:30:16 CEST 2012

Ali Torkamani wrote:

> 2) Generally how would you search, to find out if there exist an efficient
> python package for some specific task? (Google search usually results in
> many hardly-related *false* positives!)

Start with PyPI, also known as the CheeseShop.


It's not quite as powerful as Perl's CPAN, but it's still pretty good.

Then follow up with Google and other search engines. I prefer Duck Duck Go 
because they don't track you and they take privacy seriously:


Also they have dedicated syntax for searching for Python related information.

Finally, ask on Python forums, particularly the comp.lang.python newsgroup 
(also available as python-list at python.org) which is more general than this 
email list. This list is more specialised for learning Python the language.


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