[Tutor] string to binary and back... Python 3

Jordan wolfrage8765 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 21:59:39 CEST 2012

On 07/19/2012 09:23 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
>> A question I have for the group before I respond is a option that I saw
>> that I had earlier was to ord() each element of a string and then bin()
>> that number. But since bin() produces a string I could not figure out
>> the correct way to attach two bin() outputs back together again due to
>> the leading 'b' and even if I use lstrip('b') I was not sure if that
>> would be correct?
> bin(integer).split('b')[1].zfill( multiple_of_eight )
OK so using this: Hopefully my copy paste works this time.

bin_data = ''

for char in data:

bin_data += bin(ord(char)).split('b')[1].zfill(8)


bin_list = [bin_data[x:x + 2] for x in range(0, len(bin_data), 2)]


The paste looks good to me at this time.
How do I get back to the string? If I use this:

data2 = []

for item in bin_list:

data2.append(int(item, 2))


The output is all too low of numbers for ord() to convert back to the
correct string.
>> My next hesitation is can the same or at least similar techniques be
>> applied to a file? I want to be able to work on both files and strings.
> Probably, but it depends on what you are trying to do and what
> data you are dealing with.
I just want to perform the same conversion on the file data, that is
down to binary and back to it's original state.
I was thinking I would just use the file in binary mode when I open it,
but I am not sure if that is true binary or if it is hex or something
else altogether. I think my confusion came from trying to do both files
and strings at the same time and failing back and forth.
> Ramit
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