[Tutor] measuring the start up time of an event-driven program

Michael Janßen mi.janssen at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 13:28:30 CEST 2012

On 24 July 2012 11:18, Albert-Jan Roskam <fomcl at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I would like to test how long it takes for two versions of the same
> program to start up and be ready to receive commands. The program is SPSS
> version-very-old vs. SPSS version-latest.
> Normally I'd just fire the program up in a subprocess and measure the time
> before and after finishing. But this kind of program is never finished.
> It's looping until infinity and waiting for events/commands. I tried
> wrapping it in a "while True" loop, and break out of the loop and terminate
> the program (using ctypes) if the retcode of the process is equal to zero.
> But that doesn't work.

So, the question is, what defines your end point for timing. I'd say, you
could either check if the program *looks* like being ready (
http://sikuli.org/ could help here) or if it doesn't use up cpu anymore.

Both ways, I'd except a fair amount of overhead and for the cpu-usage way
bogus results also. Both problems could perhaps be addressed by enough
timing runs.

cu, Michael
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