[Tutor] Flatten a list in tuples and remove doubles

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jul 29 16:21:19 CEST 2012

On 29/07/2012 14:16, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On 29/07/12 12:21, Peter Otten wrote:
>>>> plenty modules I haven't explored yet - and I must admit itertools
>>>> is one that I really should get to grips with...
>>> You're nuts :)  Itertools to me is the Swiss Army Knife
>> If you don't have to deal with large datasets many of its functions can
>> easily be emulated with lists and loops though.
> Exactly. and if I deal with large data its usually in a SQL database and
> I can use SQL to do the hard work. So the groupby type functions are for
> me a SQL feature.
> But I know thee itertools has a lot of powerful stuff in it, I just
> haven't had a big enough itch to investige it yet. :-)
> And at the moment I'm immersing myself in JQuery so it will be a while
> before itertools gets a look in!

Reminds me of the Welsh selectors, two were wise and chose Dai, but 
three were foolish and chose Gareth.  That should lead to some head 


Mark Lawrence.

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