[Tutor] sqlite3 Dilemma

Khalid Al-Ghamdi emailkgnow at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 22:20:07 CEST 2012

Damn! So its so serious they have a name for it! No wonder I was stumped

Any way thanks you guys have been super helpful.

بتاريخ الاثنين، ٣٠ يوليو، ٢٠١٢، جاء من Peter Otten
__peter__ at web.de<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'peter__ at web.de');>

> Khalid Al-Ghamdi wrote:
> > I am a teacher at an industrial training center. We have to conduct
> > hands-on exams (fixing pumps, etc). I review all the test schedules for
> > all the students (made by other teachers) to make sure there are no
> > clashes due to lack of ample supply of equipment or tools. Meaning no two
> > trainees are to have the same test at the same time. If this is the case,
> > then the date or time or test code have to be changed to avoid the
> > conflict.
> >
> > I have the schedule in csv format. I have been able to export it to
> > sqlite3 as seen below and I have found all the conflicts, too.
> >
> > My dilemma is how to go about making sqlite3 alter the date, time, or
> exam
> > code if another trainee is scheduled at the same time and date with the
> > same test code.
> >
> > What is the proper approach to handle this?
> I think what you have is a "constraint satisfaction problem". There are
> packages in Python that address it, but I have no experience with them and
> therefore cannot make any recommendations. This one
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/constraint/
> ...has an example similar to your problem which may help you get started:
> http://www.logilab.org/3441
> > I'm using python 3 on windows.
> I see no mention of Python 3 on their site, so you probably have to resort
> to Python 2 should you end up with the solver mentioned above.
> > Below is how far I've gotten.
> I'd forget the database for the moment, but keep the code to verify the
> solution once you have arrived at it through other means.
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