[Tutor] Web Questionnaire

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 17:56:50 CEST 2012

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Akeria Timothy <akeriatimothy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am still new to learning Python and I wanted to know if anyone knew of a
> script out there that would allow users to answer three basic questions, hit
> submit and send that information to an excel spreadsheet?
> So, I would want them to submit the following information:
> Name:
> Dept:
> Software needed:
> Semester requesting software for:
> I work for a college and I wanted to streamline the software requests for
> the school year.
> Is this a basic script? I have started my script but I know it will probably
> take me longer to write it so I figured I would ask if there was something
> out there that I could just modify.
> Thanks in advance
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I'm not sure this is a 'python tutor' question.  You would need to
have a website that presumable limits access to certain people so that
anyone couldn't make a request.  Django could do that for you out of
the box more or less, but then you would have to deploy it. So, its
not just a small python script, but a website you would need to build.
 Are you up to that yet?

If you are thinking up useful projects to expand your python skills,
perhaps publishing an email box for requests would be easier.  You
could read the emails and enter the data in a simple command line
program you could write in python to added data in csv format to a
file.  This file could be viewed in excel.

Such a project would help you learn about csv module, and how to
request data from a user. -- both useful things to learn

Joel Goldstick

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