[Tutor] suggestions to improve design

Prasad, Ramit ramit.prasad at jpmorgan.com
Mon Jun 4 19:28:29 CEST 2012

> I've written a script to use within XChat (IRC client) and everything is
> working without issue. The script is a little tool to give an emote
> command and a handful of general pre written actions.
> As it is now, the script works. But I've got maybe a dozen emotes in
> there, using if/elif loops to check against a list of emotes and
> format a string for display in the channel.
> But, I also have another dictionary containing duplicate values with
> text placeholders where a %s would be substituted.
> I feel that, as the list of available emotes grows, the script will
> suffer from a poor design. I have thought about pickling or using a file
> to store the dict or loops, but that only seems like a bandage and
> there may be a performance issue with potentially hundreds of loops to
> check through.
> Ok, so I have posted my script at
> http://www.baked-potato.us/files/2ndthat.py
> My question is, would anybody please take a look and offer suggestions
> on what I may do to improve this script?

Unless the script gets a *very* large list of emotes or you are on
an older machine I doubt that you will really see any performance
issues. That being said, my comments are below and other tutors
can correct anything I missed or said incorrectly. I like the 
presence of your documentation, kudos!

Why use a class for storing the 'tions' and dict directly from
the module?

tions = { [snip] }

I also think get_emote should not be passed the entire argv, 
it should be passed only the arguments it needs so I would change
the call to

def emote(argv):
    emote = argv[1]
    if emote in tions: # look at dictionary, no need to pull keys manually      
        emstring = get_emote(emote, argv[2:]) # pass only arguments
        # print a generic message to the channel displaying the emote string
        #xchat.emit_print("Generic Message", nick, emstring)
        xchat.command("me %s" % (emstring))

def get_emote( e, args ):
    if e in tions:
        if '%s' in tions[e]:
            return tions[e] % tuple(args) 
            # will error here if not the correct number of variables
            # in args; might want to catch and then return an error string
            return tions[e]
        return 'Not an understood emote'

def list_em():
    print "There are %s emotes available." % (len(tions))
    print "Usage: /em \002<$emote>\002 - user supplied values are shown as \002<$bold>\002.\n"
    for key,value in tions.iteritems(): 
        print "Emote: %s - %s" % (key, value)

As a general note, you should use docstrings instead of comments 
above the function.


# show function - displays a single requested emote 
def show(s):    


def show(s):
    'displays a single requested emote' # single line docstring


def show(s):
   ''' multi


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
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