[Tutor] Question about autocomplete functionality

Prasad, Ramit ramit.prasad at jpmorgan.com
Tue Jun 12 22:17:15 CEST 2012

> However, this is only really useful if I can keep a running list of all tags
> that have ever been entered and use a sort of autocomplete functionality to
> make them quicker to enter. And to reduce the number of, and discourage the
> use of, 'almost duplicate' tags.
> Are there any resources out there (libraries, tutorials etc) that could help
> me figure this sort of autocomplete functionality out?

I am sure there are examples of widgets that do autocomplete depending on 
which UI library you want to use. Here is an example for wxPython http://wiki.wxpython.org/TextCtrlAutoComplete .

The discouraging of 'almost duplicate' tags is going to be more difficult 
because it probably requires someone to either merge tags or some 
intelligence to know that two tags are equivalent. For casual use, it 
would be more efficient to create a process where a moderator can merge 

I suppose you could also disallow the use of new tags or have them put 
into a moderation queue. 


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423


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